Gentle chiropractic care, acupuncture, and medical massage are pain management alternatives that have demonstrated impressive results in managing various types of pain. These natural approaches offer a compelling alternative to traditional pharmaceutical interventions, providing long-term solutions that address the root cause of discomfort. Addressing the Source of Pain Chiropractic care, acupuncture, and medical massage harness age-old […]
car accident
Gentle Chiropractic for Car Accident Injuries
Florida car accidents are happening more frequently these days. Stressed drivers are causing injury and fatality rates to climb.1 If you’ve been in a car accident, you should choose gentle chiropractic care for those injuries.
Accepting new patients. Call 855-509-5400 to schedule your appointment.
We Accept All Major Medical Health Insurance and Medicare.
Gentle Chiropractic Care for Car Accident Injuries
There are 3 Compelling Reasons to Choose Chiropractic Care after a Car Accident, When choosing a chiropractor, you’ll want to choose one that practices effective gentle chiropractic care.
Injured in a Florida car accident?
The chiropractor you choose can make a difference!
What is Gentle Chiropractic?
Many patients in pain are afraid of the traditional spinal manipulation methods. They don’t want to be twisted, snapped or “crunched.” Different chiropractic techniques and patient positioning are used to deliver effective, gentle chiropractic care. This will allows for optimal recovery after a car accident.
One gentle chiropractic modality is the Activator Method. This provides a gentle spinal manipulation for patients in severe pain. This chiropractic technique uses a small, hand-held Activator Adjusting Instrument to deliver a gentle impulse force to the spine. This gentle modality is beneficial for patients who have suffered a traumatic injury. It avoids the twisting and contortion frequently involved in traditional manual adjustment modalities.
Gentle chiropractic adjustments can to help you get back to living the life you love.
Gentle Chiropractic replaces high-velocity adjustments with low-velocity, low amplitude manipulations. There’s no twisting you into a pretzel or snapping movements.
Gentle chiropractic can treat pain in your neck, back, wrists, shoulders, hips and knees.
Gentle chiropractic care is more comfortable and provides maximum benefit from minimal visits.
Car accidents are often violent. The force of the accident places a lot of pressure on the neck and back. The neck and back are easily injured by the force. It’s no surprise that the 4 most common car accident injuries are all forms of soft tissue injuries.
- Headaches
- Neck Pain and Whiplash
- Shoulder Pain
- Back Pain
Gentle chiropractic care can prevent long-term, chronic pain conditions from developing.
If you or someone you know has been in a car accident, you need gentle chiropractic treatment. Call Advanced Wellness Solutions at 855-509-5400 to schedule an appointment.
3 Reasons to Choose Chiropractic Care after a Car Accident
If you live in Stuart, Palm City or Hobe Sound Florida, and are injured in a car accident here are 3 reasons to choose chiropractic care after a car accident.
Car accidents can not only cause injury but anxiety as well. Even if your car accident was minor, your injuries could be serious, even life altering. According to a study published in the Society of Automotive Engineers, 1 vehicle crash damage does not directly correlate to the degree of occupant injury.
Unfortunately, it’s common for people to develop chronic issues as a result of a seemingly minor accident. What’s worse, you may not be aware that you’ve been injured immediately following the accident.
Accepting new patients. Call 855-509-5400 to schedule your appointment.
We Accept All Major Medical Health Insurance and Medicare.
Chiropractic care is the best option for musculoskeletal injuries, including those suffered in car accidents. Many of these injuries can be effectively treated without drugs or surgery. Fortunately, the injuries suffered in most minor auto accidents don’t require surgery and drugs.
Here are the top three reasons to choose chiropractic care after a car accident in Martin County, FL
#1: Imaging can’t catch micro-tears that are caused by a car accident.
Unfortunately, medical imaging such as X-rays or MRIs can’t detect the micro-tears in ligaments and muscles after a traumatic injury like those resulting from an auto accident. These microscopic tears in the muscle are why you may wake up with severe pain the day after an accident. Whiplash is a soft tissue neck injury that occurs when the neck snaps back and forth in a rapid motion. That rapid snapping back and forth causes microscopic tears in the neck muscles.
Soft-tissue injuries (a.k.a. micro-tears in ligaments and muscles) like whiplash can take a long time to heal. One study found that more than 70 percent of people who visited the emergency room after a car accident were still in pain six weeks later. Other researchers have noted that nearly half of whiplash sufferers continue to experience symptoms three months later, while 25 percent remain symptomatic for six months.2
Traumatic injuries such as those suffered in a car accident often include micro-tears and micro lesions. These cause inflammation which in turn causes pain. 3 Studies show that chiropractic adjustments help the body release anti-inflammatory Interleukin 6 (IL-6)4. Interleukin 6 (IL-6) plays an integral role in the body’s healing ability, including trauma, burns, cancers and infections.5
#2: Chiropractic Care After a Car Accident Helps Heal Internal Scar Tissues
When you hear the word “scar tissue” you might think of the scar from a nasty fall off your bike when you were young. Your body also forms this special type of tissue inside your body when your ligaments and muscles are injured. Just as the scar tissue you see on your skin doesn’t look or act like your undamaged skin, the scar tissue inside your body doesn’t have the same elasticity or mobility of uninjured soft tissue.
When scar tissue forms in the ligaments, especially those in your neck or back, it can lead to long term pain and reduced mobility. Scar tissue continues to grow and change throughout the recovery process which may take from twelve to eighteen months.6 Prompt chiropractic care after a car accident is very effective at remodeling scar tissue. Chiropractic treatment and stretching of scar tissue helps align the collagen fibers, allowing it tolerate daily activities. 7
Studies show that car accident victims treated within one week of their accident saw the best overall improvement. 8 Many chiropractors refer to this time period as the “golden week” because the inflammatory reaction which occurs during this period, if left unchecked, will produce scars and adhesions that make future management more difficult.
#3: Chiropractic Care After a Car Accident Releases Pain Relieving Hormones
Studies also show that chiropractic care helps release pain reducing hormones.9 These hormones provide natural pain relief from both acute and chronic pain. They will help relieve the pain from the acute injuries suffered in a car accident. Fortunately, they don’t stop there! They will also help any other areas that were causing pain before the accident.
Unfortunately, turning to pain pills can actually make pain worse in the long run. Contrary to marketing messages that imply otherwise, pain medications do not speed up the healing process. Pain medications (both OTC and prescription) can be very beneficial for the first 7 – 10 days after a traumatic injury. Used in the short term, these can provide symptomatic relief while chiropractic care breaks up scar tissue and adhesions, relieving stiffness, pain and the discomfort it causes.
We’re learning that you won’t find the solution to pain – even chronic pain – in a pill. Not only are opioid medications dangerous and addictive, they can actually cause your pain to worsen. Studies show that when you use an opioid pain reliever, it sets off a chain of immune signals in the spinal cord that amplify pain rather than dulling it, even after the drug leaves the body. 10
Prompt Chiropractic Care is Key
Gentle chiropractic care will help prevent long-term, chronic pain conditions and allow you to achieve optimal recovery after an auto accident. Gentle Chiropractic Care is a newer method of chiropractic care. It replaces high-velocity adjustments with low-velocity, low amplitude manipulations. It is performed with a gentle touch, targeting a specific area. Gentle chiropractic care is more comfortable and provides maximum benefit from minimal visits.
If you or someone you know has been in a car accident and you need gentle chiropractic treatment, call 855-509-5400 to schedule an appointment.
After a Car Accident
After a car accident, it’s natural to focus on your physical injuries. After all, even in a minor fender bender, your body is exposed to powerful and violent forces. Even if you were lucky enough to escape the accident without serious or life threatening physical injuries, you might be surprised by the flood of emotions that can come after a Florida car accident.
Accepting new patients. Call 855-509-5400 to schedule your appointment.
We Accept All Major Medical Health Insurance and Medicare.
Emotional Turmoil After a Car Accident
It’s natural to experience strong emotions such as shock, guilt, grief, helplessness, confusion, and fear after a car accident.
Some patients report continuing to feel afraid even though they know the danger has passed. Others report experiencing mood swings or having periods of crying uncontrollably. The feelings of sadness or depression after a car accident are very common, and can be intense. Be sure to tell your chiropractor if these feelings are stopping you from doing your normal daily activities.
Increased anxiety is another natural and common reaction to your car accident. You may also feel anger, irritability, and agitation. These feelings may be directed at the other driver (even if you were at fault) or you may take your anger out on your loved ones, friends and co-workers.
On the other end of the spectrum are feelings of guilt, shame, and self-blame (even if you weren’t at fault). You may find yourself ruminating on what you could have done or not done to prevent the accident.
Immediately after your car accident, it is normal to feel a flood of emotions, like those listed above. However, if you are still battling these post-accident emotional symptoms more than 3 months after your accident, you may be suffering from PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder). This is a condition that can develop after any type of traumatizing event.
Car accidents can trigger PTSD symptoms including experiencing flashbacks of the accident. In fact, research 1 has shown that an estimated 39.2% of motor vehicle accident survivors develop PTSD as a result.
Many suffering with PTSD also simultaneously have an intense fear of driving and/or a related anxiety disorder.
Returning to driving after a car accident
If your injuries won’t prevent you from driving for the rest of your life, at some point you’ll have to get back behind the wheel of a car. You’ll probably feel some anxiety the first time behind the wheel. You may even feel anxiety riding as a passenger in the car. Rest assured that this is natural.
Once back behind the wheel, you’ll probably find that you drive more cautiously than before. If your accident was at night, you may experience extra high anxiety around night driving.
If you’ve been in a car accident, you probably have questions. Fortunately, Dr. Danielle Hurd, DC of Advanced Wellness Solutions has many of the answers you need including:
- Is what I’m experiencing normal?
- How long will it be until I feel better?
The Chiropractor You Choose Makes a Difference
Dr. Danielle Hurd, DC knows first hand the emotional aftermath of surviving a car crash. While attending USF to obtain her BS in biomedical science, she was injured in a car accident– a near head on collision on part of SR 60 that is only 2 lanes. The other driver had tried to pass a semi-truck on his way to work. It was early morning, so when she saw the other driver’s headlights emerge from behind the semi-truck, she veered off the road quickly. Had she not reacted as quickly as she did, the other driver would have hit her head on. Instead, his pick-up truck struck her just behind the driver’s door, tearing a hole in the rear door of the mini-van she was driving.
She didn’t realize she was seriously injured until the next day when the adrenaline rush wore off.
Dr. Danielle’s car accident caused serious injuries and headaches. The pain forced her to leave school for a semester. The silver lining is that it helped her to choose her career. Thanks to the care she received from her chiropractor (who encouraged her to attend Palmer College of Chiropractic), she was able to return to USF the next semester and complete her bachelor’s degree. She went on to graduate in 2014 from Palmer College of Chiropractic in Port Orange Florida.
The chiropractor you choose makes a difference!
Dr. Danielle makes it a point to create a soothing, nurturing office environment at Advanced Wellness Solutions. She survived a serious car accident and has experienced the intense feelings that follow. It’s why her office has an “office dog.” William seems to know when patients need emotional support, even though he stays behind the glass door in the front desk area.
The doctor you choose makes a difference. If you or someone you know has been in a car accident, call 855-509-5400 to make an appointment with Advanced Wellness Solutions.
What To Do After an Accident in Stuart, Fl
Florida has a reputation for “bad” and “aggressive” drivers. For those who live or work in Stuart, Florida, if you haven’t been in a car accident recently, you probably know someone who has. Just because we live in paradise doesn’t mean life here is perfect – or predictable. Being an accident is scary and confusing. That’s why we’ve created this checklist to help you know what to do after an accident in Stuart, Florida.
Being in a car accident, even a minor one, can be traumatic and frightening. The moments during a car crash are often violent. Your body is subjected to extreme forces that can affect your body in unexpected ways. Even a seemingly minor fender bender can result in injuries that need treatment for the driver and/or passengers.1
If you’re able to escape your vehicle after the accident, you may think you weren’t seriously injured. It’s important to know that it could be weeks – or even months – before the full extent of your injuries are known. Even if you go to the hospital immediately following your car accident, some injuries like whiplash, traumatic brain injury and even spinal cord injury may not be immediately evident, even with appropriate imaging!
Following a car accident, it may take time for you to begin thinking clearly enough to make sound judgments and important decisions. That’s why we’ve created this checklist to help.
Here are 7 things you need to do if you’ve been in a car accident in Stuart or Martin County, Florida:
Even if it’s a minor fender bender, stay at the scene. If it’s your fault, stay at the scene. Even if your car is the only one involved in the accident, stay at the scene. If you leave, you could face felony charges.
Even if there are no apparent injuries, you should still call the police. You’ll need a police report to file a claim with your insurance company.
Use your phone to take pictures of the vehicles and the scene while you wait for the police to arrive. If you have visible injuries, you should document them with photographs as well. The worst case scenario is you won’t need these images. It’s better to have these images and not need them rather than need these images and not have them.
Tell the investigating officer(s) exactly what happened. If someone asks if you’re injured, you should reply that you’re not sure. This is the truth. There’s no way you can know immediately after your accident if you were injured.
As your accident was happening, your body released a burst of the hormone adrenaline. This hormone decreases your ability to feel pain, increases your strength, and sharpens your mental focus. (If you watched the accident happen in slow motion, you can thank adrenaline for that.) Because of this adrenaline rush, it may be days before you realize the extent of your injuries.
If there are witnesses, you should get their contact information.
You should be seen by a doctor, ER physician or chiropractor within 14 days of your car accident. You should do this even if you don’t feel any pain or soreness. Many injuries – especially whiplash and head trauma are not immediately apparent. You can sustain serious, life altering injuries in seemingly minor accidents. If you lost consciousness or were dazed – even for a short period of time – you may have suffered a concussion or traumatic brain injury (TBI). Even if you just “bumped your head” in the accident, that minor injury can be deadly if it caused bleeding in the brain. The symptoms of TBI may not appear for weeks – or even months. That’s just one reason why it is so important to see a physician or chiropractor within 14 days of a car accident.
Car owners in Florida are covered under PIP, or No-Fault insurance. This means that you can receive treatments for your injuries even if you were at fault for the accident. In order to activate your PIP insurance benefits, you have to file a claim with the insurance company and you must schedule an appointment with a doctor or chiropractor within 14 days of the accident.
If your injuries are serious, you may need more medical care than is provided by your PIP benefits. If this is the case, Dr. Danielle Hurd, DC will give you the names of attorneys who expertly handle personal injury cases.
If your primary care physician refuses to treat you for injuries suffered in a car accident, don’t be upset. Would you be upset if if your dentist didn’t want to perform open heart surgery? Chiropractors are trained to treat the musculoskeletal injuries common in car accidents. Dr. Danielle is experienced in treating the trauma that can result from car crashes.
If you or someone you know has been involved in a car accident, call us today at 855-509-5400.