Advanced Wellness Solutions offers personalized holistic healthcare, including primary care, medical weight loss, gentle chiropractic, acupuncture and medical massage therapy. Discover the difference patient-centric care makes. Advanced Wellness Solutions is offering primary care in our Stuart location in Martin County. Offering primary care is not just a service; it’s a commitment to the health and […]
Chiropractic care for shoulder pain
Gentle chiropractic can effectively treat shoulder pain. Shoulder pain is musculoskeletal pain. Gentle chiropractic care shines as an effective, drug free way to relieve musculoskeletal pain.
Accepting new patients. Call 855-509-5400 to schedule your appointment.
We Accept All Major Medical Health Insurance and Medicare.
The shoulder is a complex arrangement of bone, muscles, nerves, bursa, tendons, and ligaments. No other joint in the body has the range of motion that a fully functioning shoulder does. It’s easily the most mobile joint in the body. This incredible mobility and flexibility comes at a price. Shoulders are prone to injury.
If shoulder pain comes on suddenly and was not caused by an injury, call 911 immediately. Shoulder pain can be a symptom of a heart attack.
It’s important to diagnose the cause of shoulder pain. We will perform a variety of orthopedic tests to determine the cause of shoulder pain. Imaging will be ordered if the prescribed treatment plan isn’t providing pain relief.
Causes of Shoulder Pain:
Common shoulder problems affecting golfers include rotator cuff tears, long head of the biceps tendon injuries, shoulder impingement, osteoarthritis, and shoulder joint instability. Due to the golf swing, the lead shoulder is particularly vulnerable to injury. Golf injuries often respond well to nonsurgical gentle chiropractic treatment.
Rotator Cuff Injuries
If you’re a sports fan, you’ve probably heard of a rotator cuff injury. Rotator cuff injuries are a common reason for shoulder pain.
Four different muscles and associated tendons make up the rotator cuff. This unique arrangement of muscles, tendons surround a ball socket like joint allowing you to raise, rotate and move your arm in a wide variety of ways.
There are three different types of rotator cuff injury: 1
- RCT or Rotator Cuff Tendinitis: the tendons are irritated and/or damaged,
- RCI or Rotator Cuff Impingement: the bony process on the scapula is rubbing (impinging) upon the tendons and bursa of the rotator cuff.
- RCB or Rotator Cuff Bursitis : the bursa is inflamed and swollen
Postural Syndrome
Poor office posture injuries (postural syndrome) are repetitive use injuries. Poor ergonomics can cause musculoskeletal disorders. Ergonomics describes how you interact with your environment. Poor workspace ergonomics can result in
- headaches
- shoulder pain
- back pain
- neck pain
- wrist pain
Postural syndrome is common if you spend 8-10 hours a day with
- your shoulders rolled forward
- your head jutting forward
- and your upper back slouched.
The human body is great at “making do” with whatever situation you put it in. It will do it’s best to adapt. Ifyou keep stressing your body, you will cause a repetitive use injury. In repetitive use injuries, pain develops over time. As you can see from the list above, shoulder pain is part of postural syndrome.
Chiropractic care is very effective at relieving shoulder pain and other symptoms of postural postural syndrome. For long term relief, you should address your workplace ergonomics. Click here to learn how to create an ergonomic home office.
Frozen Shoulder
Adhesive capsulitis (a,k.a. frozen shoulder) is sneaky. It isn’t caused by an injury. Patients will try to describe it as a dull pain located deep inside the shoulder.
In the earliest stages, the symptoms are mild becoming more severe over time. Over time, the shoulder may become almost impossible to move. Thus the moniker, “frozen shoulder.” 2
Frozen shoulder can be treated with gentle chiropractic care.
Osteoarthritis of the shoulder is rare and usually caused by a previous injury. Chiropractic care maximizes the function of arthritic joints. Gentle chiropractic care can treat osteoarthritis 3 and is recommended for arthritis pain management.
Chiropractic Care of Shoulder Pain
Chiropractors focus on the relationships between the structure and function of joints, muscles and other soft tissues. They accomplish drug free pain relief without surgery through manual manipulations and other therapies. These therapies reduce inflammation and swelling and aid in natural healing.
There are many therapies chiropractors use to relieve shoulder pain. Chiropractic treatments include:
- Chiropractic adjustments
- prescribed exercises
- ultrasound
- electrical muscle stimulation
- application of ice/heat
These chiropractic therapies can
- provide pain relief
- restore mobility
- increase range of motion.
Most patients choosing chiropractic care of shoulder pain are able to return to their normal activities within 6-8 weeks without resorting to steroid injections or surgery.
Accepting new patients. Call 855-509-5400 to schedule your appointment.
We Accept All Major Medical Health Insurance and Medicare.
If you’re experiencing shoulder pain, call Advanced Wellness Solutions to schedule your appointment.