Advanced Wellness Solutions offers personalized holistic healthcare, including primary care, medical weight loss, gentle chiropractic, acupuncture and medical massage therapy. Discover the difference patient-centric care makes. Advanced Wellness Solutions is offering primary care in our Stuart location in Martin County. Offering primary care is not just a service; it’s a commitment to the health and […]
Gentle Chiropractic Care
Gentle chiropractic care is more comfortable and provides maximum benefit from minimal visits.
Accepting new patients. Call 855-509-5400 to schedule your appointment.
We Accept All Major Medical Health Insurance and Medicare.

Gentle Chiropractic Care is a newer method of chiropractic care. It replaces high-velocity adjustments with low-velocity, low-amplitude manipulations. It is performed with a gentle touch, targeting a specific area. Pain in your neck, back, wrists, shoulders, hips and knees can all be treated with gentle chiropractic manipulations. Dr. Danielle uses different techniques and patient positioning to deliver effective, gentle chiropractic care.
Is gentle chiropractic right for you?
New to chiropractic care? Start with gentle chiropractic.
In pain? Gentle chiropractic provides maximum results in minimal visits.
Have trouble relaxing? You’ll love gentle chiropractic care.
Don’t like being sore after an adjustment? Try gentle chiropractic.
Been injured in a Florida car accident? Insist on gentle chiropractic care.
Play golf? Gentle chiropractic care for golfers can treat and prevent golf injuries!
Many gentle chiropractic methods include a low-velocity technique performed within the passive range of joint motion. This unique form of chiropractic care can provide maximum benefit with minimal visits.

Chiropractic care uses the body’s innate ability to heal itself without surgery or drugs. The primary way chiropractors accomplish this is through manual manipulations of the spine and joints. The goal of chiropractic treatment is to restore the neuro-skeletal system to fully functioning capacity.
Gentle chiropractic spinal mobilization is used to restore or enhance joint function. Traditional chiropractic adjustments are high-velocity spinal manipulations. Gentle chiropractic modalities utilize slow movement, usually to a firm endpoint of joint movement.
One of the benefits of gentle chiropractic care is that it can be tailored to meet your specific needs. Every joint in the body can be adjusted using gentle chiropractic care.
Gentle chiropractic techniques replace high-velocity adjustments with low-velocity, low-amplitude manipulations. Let’s look at the difference in cervical (neck) adjustments. In traditional chiropractic care, you’ll lie face up on a table and receive a high-velocity rotation or side bending of the head and neck.
A gentle chiropractic neck adjustment is different. For starters, you’ll start by lying face down on the table. Your chiropractor will position your head comfortably and deliver a gentle, low-amplitude downward force. This method of cervical (neck) adjustment is preferred for patients in severe pain.
Chiropractic care can reduce pain, increase movement and improve performance, which may mean avoiding unnecessary drugs or surgery. There are some patients for whom traditional spinal and joint manipulations are not recommended. Traditional high-velocity chiropractic adjustments are not recommended for patients with advanced osteoporosis and certain types of inflammatory arthritis.
Dr. Danielle prefers using low-velocity, low-amplitude manipulations for patients who have suffered traumatic injuries, like those from a car accident. She prefers to use gentle chiropractic care if the patient has spinal instability or if a patient is suffering from moderate to severe osteoporosis. Gentle chiropractic care is a great drug-free option for arthritis pain management.
This unique form of chiropractic care can provide maximum benefit with minimal visits. Gentle chiropractic care is a great way to treat:
- Back pain
- Neck pain
- Headaches
- Wrist Pain
- Shoulder Pain
Back Pain:
There are many causes of low back pain and mid-back pain. Low back pain is by far the most common form of back pain.
Causes of mechanical low back pain include:
- Trauma from a fall or car accident
- Facet Syndrome
- Disc herniation
- Piriformis Syndrome
- Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction
Facet syndrome is a degenerative joint disease of the facet joint that can mimic the symptoms of a herniated disc. Gentle chiropractic care offers some of the most effective treatment options for facet syndrome.
While facet syndrome often presents in patients older than age 50, anyone suffering from repeated trauma such as whiplash or multiple car accidents can suffer from facet syndrome.
Neck Pain:
Fortunately, neck pain responds very well to chiropractic care.
Causes of mechanical neck pain include:
- text neck
- neck strain/sprain
- torticollis
- cervical spondylosis
- whiplash
- disc derangement
- cervical fracture
- stinger/brachial plexus
- traction injury
Headaches are a very common complaint. Chiropractic care is recommended for TMJ headaches, cluster headaches, tension headaches, migraines,
Wrist Pain:
Advanced Wellness Solutions has had great success treating carpal tunnel syndrome and wrist pain.
Shoulder Pain:
Gentle chiropractic care can effectively treat shoulder pain.
Gentle Chiropractic Care for Golfers
Martin County, Florida, is a golf paradise. Residents and visitors can play at several world-class golfing facilities without ever leaving the county. Golf enthusiasts agree that regular gentle chiropractic care can effectively treat and prevent golf injuries. Advanced Wellness Solutions provides exceptional chiropractic care for golfers.
There are a wide array of gentle spinal mobilization methods, including:
- Activator method:
A hand-held, spring-loaded tool that manually delivers a targeted, low-force impulse. Dr. Danielle evaluates leg length, performs muscle testing, and adjusts the spine or extremity joints using the activator tool. The activator delivers a gentle impulse force to the spine or joint without twisting, popping or cracking. - Cox Flexion-distraction:
This technique delivers a gentle adjustment designed to adjust specific vertebrae by applying a gentle stretch to the lower spine. Dr. Danielle administers the adjustment through a series of repetitive, slow movements similar to a rocking motion.
The Advanced Wellness Solutions office is located in the Royal Palm Center at 729 SW Federal Highway, Suite 102 in Stuart, FL.
Get the Care You Expect from Advanced Wellness Solutions
If you live in/near Martin County, Florida, call 855-509-5400 to schedule your appointment.
Advanced Wellness Solutions accepts all major medical health insurance plans and Medicare.