Advanced Wellness Solutions offers personalized holistic healthcare, including primary care, medical weight loss, gentle chiropractic, acupuncture and medical massage therapy. Discover the difference patient-centric care makes. Advanced Wellness Solutions is offering primary care in our Stuart location in Martin County. Offering primary care is not just a service; it’s a commitment to the health and […]
Advanced Wellness Solutions offers primary care, integrated medical weight loss solutions, gentle chiropractic care, acupuncture, and medical massage therapy
Accepting new patients.
Call 855-509-5400 to schedule your appointment.
We Accept All Major Medical Health Insurance and Medicare.

Dr. Danielle graduated from the University of South Florida in Tampa. While attending USF, she was involved in a serious car accident. Her injuries caused cluster headaches and nerve pain, forcing her to leave school for a semester.
Unexpectedly, her injuries aided her in selecting her career path. Thanks to chiropractic care from a Palmer graduate, she was able to return to USF the next semester. She completed her undergrad and went on to graduate from Palmer College of Chiropractic in Port Orange, Florida, in 2014.
Dr. Danielle is certified in the Grostic Upper Cervical Procedure and was trained in the Palmer Package. She also uses the activator method, a gentle chiropractic care technique. She uses a small, hand-held activator-adjusting instrument to deliver a gentle impulse force to the spine. This gentle modality is beneficial for patients who have suffered a traumatic injury due to a car accident or an accident at work.
Dr. Danielle is a proud member of the Florida Chiropractic Physician Association.
Something’s been missing from Advanced Wellness Solutions, but we’ve fixed that. We’re pleased to announce that Advanced Registered Nurse Roodina Celius Joseph has joined our practice. She provides primary care as well as medical weight loss solutions.
Roodina wants to help patients avoid hospitalization in the future through preventative care. We’re thrilled to have her on our team. She’s accepting new patients at our Stuart location.
Our Office Dogs:

William the Shih Tzu is one of the office dogs at Advanced Wellness Solutions. William’s role in the office is to greet patients and, if needed, improve patient morale.

Wanda the Super Senior Pekingese taught William everything he needed to know to be a great office dog. In April 2021, she retired from her role as office manager and passed away in June 2021.
Willow joined the team in April 2022, continuing the tradition of a Super Senior Pekingese being in charge at Advanced Wellness Solutions. As a super senior, she quickly tired of working “full time” and retired in October of 2022. She departed from this life in April 2023.
It took 2 Shih Tzu puppies to fill Willow’s role at the office.

Their names are Wally and Wesley. William’s father (stud dog) is also their father, so they’re half brothers. Wesley (in the basket behind) is super outgoing and loves everyone. Unfortunately, his super outgoing behavior means he can easily overwhelm children and wary adults.
Wally, pictured in front with his perpetual pout, is more reserved. He may bark at you to get your attention, but it’s just because he has to be the center of attention. He loves everyone and absolutely adores children.
Schedule your appointment by calling: 855-509-5400