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What To Do After an Accident in Stuart, Fl
Florida has a reputation for “bad” and “aggressive” drivers. For those who live or work in Stuart, Florida, if you haven’t been in a car accident recently, you probably know someone who has. Just because we live in paradise doesn’t mean life here is perfect—or predictable. Being an accident is scary and confusing. That’s why we’ve created this checklist to help you know what to do after an accident in Stuart, Florida.
Being in a car accident, even a minor one, can be traumatic and frightening. The moments during a car crash are often violent. Your body is subjected to extreme forces that can affect your body in unexpected ways. Even a seemingly minor fender bender can result in injuries that need treatment for the driver and/or passengers.1
If you’re able to escape your vehicle after the accident, you may think you weren’t seriously injured. It’s important to know that it could be weeks—or even months—before the full extent of your injuries are known. Even if you go to the hospital immediately following your car accident, some injuries like whiplash, traumatic brain injury and even spinal cord injury may not be immediately evident, even with appropriate imaging!
Following a car accident, it may take time for you to begin thinking clearly enough to make sound judgments and important decisions. That’s why we’ve created this checklist to help.
Here are 7 things you need to do if you’ve been in a car accident in Stuart or Martin County, Florida:
Even if it’s a minor fender bender, stay at the scene. If it’s your fault, stay at the scene. Even if your car is the only one involved in the accident, stay at the scene. If you leave, you could face felony charges.
Even if there are no apparent injuries, you should still call the police. You’ll need a police report to file a claim with your insurance company.
Use your phone to take pictures of the vehicles and the scene while you wait for the police to arrive. If you have visible injuries, you should document them with photographs as well. The worst-case scenario is you won’t need these images. It’s better to have these images and not need them rather than need these images and not have them.
Tell the investigating officer(s) exactly what happened. If someone asks if you’re injured, you should reply that you’re not sure. This is the truth. There’s no way you can know immediately after your accident if you were injured.
As your accident was happening, your body released a burst of the hormone adrenaline. This hormone decreases your ability to feel pain, increases your strength, and sharpens your mental focus. (If you watched the accident happen in slow motion, you can thank adrenaline for that.) Because of this adrenaline rush, it may be days before you realize the extent of your injuries.
If there are witnesses, you should get their contact information.
Within 14 days of your car accident, you should see a doctor, ER doctor, or chiropractor. You should do this even if you don’t feel any pain or soreness. Many injuries, especially whiplash and head trauma, are not immediately apparent. You can sustain serious, life-altering injuries in seemingly minor accidents. If you lost consciousness or were dazed—even for a short period of time—you may have suffered a concussion or traumatic brain injury (TBI). Even if you just “bumped your head” in the accident, that minor injury can be deadly if it causes bleeding in the brain. The symptoms of TBI may not appear for weeks—or even months. That’s just one reason why it is so important to see a physician or chiropractor within 14 days of a car accident.
Car owners in Florida are covered under PIP, or No-Fault insurance. This means that you can receive treatments for your injuries even if you were at fault for the accident. In order to activate your PIP insurance benefits, you have to file a claim with the insurance company and you must schedule an appointment with a doctor or chiropractor within 14 days of the accident.
If your injuries are severe, you might require more medical care than what your PIP benefits cover. If this is the case, Dr. Danielle Hurd, DC, will give you the names of attorneys who expertly handle personal injury cases.
If your primary care physician refuses to treat you for injuries suffered in a car accident, don’t be upset. Would you be upset if if your dentist didn’t want to perform open heart surgery? Chiropractors are trained to treat the musculoskeletal injuries common in car accidents. Dr. Danielle is experienced in treating the trauma that can result from car crashes.
If you or someone you know has been involved in a car accident, call us today at 855-509-5400.